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We have entrepreneurial expertise.

And we think outside the box.

Trust C&A as your source for

See new opportunities



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We understand your needs.

And we build relationships.

Let C&A help you navigate

Accelerate your start-up



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We understand your clients' needs.

And we help communicate your ideas.

Align your business with

Become socially responsible




Social Innovation

Innovation management will help accelerate your start-up, by focusing on your unique value proposition and providing the necessary tools to develop and execute your ideas, C&A is your innovation partner.


New Age Capital

Looking to fund your start-up and want an alternative to traditional investments? Let C&A help you navigate the various avenues of financing and investment to help jumpstart your social innovation project.

Cause Marketing

Innovators can now help people across the globe , C&A specializes in finding socially responsible projects and marrying them with funding. Learn how C&A can formulate a cause marketing campaign for your organization.

Why Choose C & A?

At Chagpar and Associates we understand the needs of growing companies. When you choose C&A you choose consultants with real-world experience who understand the demands of running a start-up.

We are your innovation, and new age capital experts.

We help entrepreneurs succeed. FInd out how. 

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    We Build Relationships

    When growing your business, building a network of like-minded professionals is key to success. Let us help.

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    We Understand Your Needs

    By asking the right questions and getting to know your business we can help you decide what you need to grow

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    We Have Entrepreneurship Expertise

    Our consultants have extensive entrepreneurship experience, and have expertise in social innovation, new age capital and cause marketing.

  • We Help Communicate Your Ideas

    Communication is at the core of every successful business, in order to engage customers they need to understand your value proposition. Let us help you clarify your ideas.

  • We Think Outside the Box

    Understanding multiple perspectives is important for business success.

© Copyright 1994-2014 Chagpar & Associates | Global Innovation Management